Breaking Down Being A Brand Ambassador
This is a large convention held in Las Vegas, notice how the BA's are wearing credentials, and fully branded uniforms. All this will be discussed below!
Now that we've broken down how to find legit Brand Ambassador (BA) jobs, we are going to break down some of the major aspects and expectations of the job!
Promotional Models or Brand Ambassadors?
There is nothing short of false imagery when we talk about "promotional model", in my years in the business I have watched the industry shy away from that term. Why?
In my personal opinion the word "model" does not embrace the same concept as a "brand ambassador". Models are able to show off brands, while looking great! But a model's job descriptions typically don't include the model needing to be an expert about the brand they are representing. This is one of the distinct differences in the wording of "promotional model" vs "brand ambassador". Most of the time these terms are used together and usually describe the same job. However there is a difference when being a professional and hard working brand ambassador.
Here are some key take aways to always remember when working as BA or Brand Ambassador:
1. Have Key Talking Points About The Brand Your Representing
One of the biggest parts of being a brand ambassador is not only about looking good for a brand. BA's also should know information about the brand they are representing. At the very least you should be working off of at least 3-5 brand knowledge or talking points points. What is a talking point? A talking point is a key FACT about the brand/the brand wants to promote.
This drink has zero sugar
This candy bar has only 10 calories
This brand has 10 different flavors including watermelon
2. Never say I Don't Know to a Question about the Brand Your Representing
Always ask for the brand's "ultimate resource". What is an ultimate resource? This would be where all the information for the brand is found. Usually this is the FAQ part of the brand's website. But always be sure to ask your team lead or field market manager where all the brand info is located.
Why is this important? One of the WORST things to say as a brand ambassador is "I don't know" to a consumers question.
EXAMPLE: What is the better way to answer when you don't know? Never make up an answer, but always acknowledge the consumer "That was a great question I haven't heard it before but the (site ultimate resource OR if you do not know, look for a manager or someone who would be able to answer the consumers question) should be able to answer that!"
3. Using your phone and sitting down; BA industry expectations
-As a Brand Ambassador you never want to be on your phone for personal use.
-Some jobs may require you to use your phone to take photos etc, do not abuse this and use your phone for personal use.
-Be prepared- when your BA job requires you to have a phone for photos etc, ensure your phone is fully charged before each shift or bring a portable charger for long days
-In most circumstances brands do not want BA's sitting for long periods of time without direct permission from a team lead or supervisor
-Never assume it is okay to sit down during your shift unless directed. Why? When you are sitting down, it is less likely for a consumer to come up to you, sitting down is not as engaging or inviting as a BA standing and talking to the consumer.
-As a Brand Ambassador or BA you are hired to bring energy to potential consumers as well as brand information which is why the brand expects you to stand up and engage potential consumers.
4. It is your job to engage people about the brand you are representing.
Besides not being on your phone or sitting down you want to be sure you are always engaging people. This might at first feel awkward, but yelling into that crowd of people passing by "HEY COME CHECK THIS OUT" truly has results! In this industry it is appreciated for people to be actively engaging not only the consumers that directly walked up to your brand's project out of their own interest. But also brands want to see their BA's also gaining other consumers attention through their efforts in marketing, creating a positive and knowledgeable experience about the product they are representing. Throughout my years I have seen people get sent home or not re-hired with that agency due to their lack of zest when doing the job.
5. Don't take rude people personally! Keep that positive energy!
What if I keep getting negative responses from anyone I approach?
This is one of the most common fears for new BAs and BAs in general. When doing this job expect there will be rude people. No matter what you are doing, you could be trying to give someone a free sample and get a negative response. As a BA NEVER TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY & ALWAYS ACT PROFESSIONALLY! Remember when working in this field you are working around many different personalities, walks of life and people that are just flat out busy. Doesn't mean they should be rude to you, however when this occurs you must continue on with a smile. Another trick is to change up how you are wording things so people are more attracted.
EXAMPLE: instead of "Come check out our booth!" a more attractive statement would be "Giveaways happening at this booth!" (provided of course you doing giveaway items). Again NEVER LIE.
REMEMBER: Spreading misinformation looks bad for the brand to the consumer, and for you as a representative of the brand even if it is only for a one day event.
6. Always show up on time, prepared and honor your commitments to the brands or agencies that book you for events!
These are CRUCIAL to your success as a BA. So we're going to break this down into several sub-topics.
Show up to your bookings and do not call out unless 100% needed and give the agency / client as much notice as possible if calling out on your booking.
What a lot of people don't realize is that when you call out for what you think may only be a "Stupid 3 hour shift" etc, actually can send your entire booking agency through a frenzy to replace you if you decide to call off or worse not even show up. This usually results in people not being hired again by that agency and other agencies begin to hear about people who are common no call no shows within the industry. Once you have landed yourself this title it will be hard to book higher paying, bigger scale and fully legitimate jobs from staffing agencies or brands directly.
Also for large events agencies go the extra step to avoid this frenzy by hiring back up BAs. #whatarebackupBAs? Back up BAs are BAs that are not scheduled to work the full event, unless someone who is fully hired does not show up or shows up late.
Typically the industry standard for a BA being determined late or cut from an event is anywhere from 10min to 30min but also can be less depending on the client.
Allot Time to Navigate Parking and Picking up your credentials / badges especially at larger events!
Lateness in the industry is never appreciated, like any other job try to arrive 10-15 minutes early. ESPECIALLY if you are working a large event. Or an event where you must navigate parking, pass credential areas etc. the more areas you must pass through to get to your event location you must a lot time to get there by coming to the venue early. Also consider this if you are working an event that is; a far commute, in an area or venue where you have not worked or been before/ do not have familiarity with. All these factors could delay you unexpectedly if you do not plan for them, run into long lines, get lost finding the location or check in, parking etc.
-DO NOT; make excuses to your agency or the brand employing you for the event about being late due to: traffic, getting your badge, not being able to find the event set up etc.
As a BA you understand that THESE are your responsibilities to know and get there on time
Know the event you are working and come personally prepared with water, sunblock, a snack/lunch, bring non-branded weather items like sunglasses or jacket to wear if needed
Be prepared;
EXAMPLE: if you are working a NFL tailgate event you should plan to bring your own supply of water, sunscreen, and a snack if needed, depending on the length of the shift.
In most situations as a BA you have limited access to food water and sometimes even the restroom. It is always a good idea to be prepared for any possible weather elements and be conscious of the weather for your event the day of. It is your responsibilities to make sure you are
-Dressed in the proper uniform as told to you by the brand/agency booking you
-Prepared for any weather conditions with uniform approved extras
-Ask the client or agency booking you what is approved for uniform extras in terms of jackets, sunglasses etc, below is an example of what most brands and agencies will usually except:
Jacket - black, non-branded (or colors of client you are working for)
Sunglasses- black, non-branded (or colors of client you are working for)
Hats- most clients do not want BAs in their own hats even if not branded however if you are going to wear a hat wear something unbranded
Mask- black, non-branded, always be prepared when going to your job and wear a comfortable mask that you feel comfortable in, as long as it is not vulgar or offensive!
If you are wearing anything in addition to the uniform, ensure there is no large branding especially competitor branding, what does this mean? The best way to explain is with the below example!
EXAMPLE: If your working for Nike don't wear an Adidas jacket!
If your working for Oakley Sunglasses don't wear Rayban's Sunglasses
Be ready to work and ask any final questions to your supervisors or team lead
When you arrive at your event to work be ready to speak about the brand. This means:
- know your key talking points
- knowing what is going on for your brand at this event
- taking the time to ask your team lead or on-site supervisor any additional questions you may have.
- ask when your lunch or breaks are so you are prepared
- try to use the restroom before showing up to start your shift
DO NOT: Ask for extra break time to get a lunch, come without wearing the proper uniform, pack a large bag (keep it small as sometimes there is not always space to safely store your bag while you are working), come to outside events without water and sunscreen for personal use!
After reading through these tips and tricks, take a look at the photo at the beginning of this blog. That photo is a great reference of BA's showing up ready to work. They all have their NACS convention credentials, they are all in the company branded uniform. This is a great look for the company and makes brands stand out among others when everything comes together like in the above photo. Imagine if everyone in the photo was wearing something different or un-branded, the photo would look much different. It also might be less clear what is being advertised. When you look at this photo you can obviously tell that RAP dummies are being advertised.
Our BA's are trained on ALL of the above and understand these as the minimum expectations for any brand we have them represent. We do not just hire BA's like other agencies. Billionaire Assets actually values our BA's. We aim to enrich our BA's with marketing knowledge. We ensure our BA's know basic marketing tactics. Our Billionaire Ambassadors are also extensively trained in BA expectations and standards.
This means your brand is represented in the most premium and educated manner to consumers. Additionally Billionaire Ambassadors receive additional training specifically for every brand they represent.
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