We are going to break down our 4 tips for merchandising and why merchandising your brand makes an huge and direct impact with consumers!

Why does brand merchandising in a c-store matter?
Do you see a difference in the before and after photo?
The photo above is just one simple example of merchandising in the c-store space.
Brand merchandising in the c-store space is vital to the brand/products ability to sell successfully.
#Brandmerchandising is also vital for a brand being notice by its consumers. It is key to have your brand at a premium location. This location should be where your brand is not only seen by consumers but merchandised properly with all opportunities maximized to draw consumers to your product.
In the c-store environment especially those stores with high traffic consumers high sales are driven solely by impulse buying.
What drives #impulsebuying ? One of the important factors comes back to #merchandising. Merchandising to have impulse buying appeal means having your product organized and viewable in a way that is appealing to the target consumer in an impulse buy location. Sometimes these can be secondary placements within the c-store. (More on that below)
Correct #productmerchandising includes these 4 following elements:
Your product is in the correct SKU, flavor or product color line up, or creating a plan for your products "Space Planning"
When #merchandising for a #brand it is key to make sure you are following the brand's pre-selected plan which will create a standardized look for the brand no matter where you are shopping for the brand. Some c-stores also make plan-o-grams which your brand's product should also be prepared to fit into.
PLAN-O-GRAM EXAMPLE: Some stores only a lot 3 spaces for your brand. Billionaire Assets can help your brand determine what 3 varieties of your product could go into this position if your brand offers more than 3 flavors.
Billionaire Assets LLC can help your brand design a plan that is a uniform guide to how your product should be merchandised on the shelf.
#whatisspaceplanning? Space planning determines how and where your brand will go. Ensuring a standardized look for your brand no matter what c-store location it is sold in.
2. Your brand is fully stocked and available for all consumers
Unfortunately in most c-stores when product is delivered by the distributor it is not always properly placed or merchandised. When we say #merchandised this means all product is front label facing, in proper flavor areas, in proper price tickets. This also includes the removal of competitors products from near your brand's placements. This happens usually from consumers placing unwanted items down. By having these measures in place you are ensuring your brands premium presence as well as more consumer sales by having your brand looking attractive to consumers and being fully represented on the c-store shelf space. The photo at the top of this article shows why having your full flavor selection can have an impact on how your product looks on the shelf. Additionally some c-stores lack the proper staffing to bring your brand out of the c-store back-stock to have your full product selection available.
Tip #2 Photo Example; Eliminating Competition in Space and Organization in Merchandising

As you can see from this photo where the can is circled in yellow that the product has clearly been misplaced and now is not following the flavor line up. Additionally these cans are not forward facing labels, some of the cans are dented and the flavors repeat in the SKU line. This could also be another sign that more then just the drink circled in yellow is in the wrong place.
Billionaire Assets Difference:
At Billionaire Assets LLC our Billionaire Ambassadors are trained to look for any available back-stock as well as merchandising any products especially competitors products that are not supposed to be in your brands space.
3. Your brand has POS/ Marketing Material distributed throughout the c-store
POS and #marketingmaterials examples for c-stores include;
-cooler clings,
-door stickers,
-penny holders,
-placement mats
-and more for different areas of the c-store.
#pos or point of sale items are key for #branding and #merchandising your brand in the c-store space. Billionaire Assets LLC has trained staff that knows how to implement basic tactics.
One of these basic strategies includes targeting the #strikezone. #whatisthestrikezone ? The strike-zone is the area where the consumer's view will see the most often, unavoidably, almost. For example on a drink cooler in a c-store the strike-zone would be somewhere by the door handle towards the middle of the cooler door. This is because this location is seen by any consumer opening the cooler door and driving #brandawareness to your product.
Any brand should be sure to secure some type of POS materials in a standardized format and ideally location in any brick and mortar location where the brand/product is sold. However, Billionaire Assets LLC prides ourselves in being "brand painters" when we enter the c-store for your brand. Meaning= we will ensure POS is placed everywhere throughout the c-store where Billionaire Assets is promoting your brand. Billionaire Assets can also help your brand create meaningful and impactful #posmaterials.
Additionally due to the limited amount of c-store employees, the overwhelmed distribution chain and limited sales reps, it is a critical aspect to have additional boots on the ground in these c-store environments distributing your brands POS and creating enthusiasm for the brand. The times have changed where a business could solely rely on a sales rep or distributor to fully market their product to the premium standards the brand wants.
Tip #3 Merchandising with POS Example Photo
Take a look at the photo below, the before photo shows unorganized product, no frontward facing labels so consumers can see the product name, product presented is damaged with can dents and unappealing to the consumer. The can of Celsuis in the before picture looks more appealing. #aftermerchandising though a big difference can be seen.

In the after photo of this products merchandising we can see
-the product has been neatly organized
- the product has labels facing frontward driving consumers to see the brand
- the distribution of POS material on the brand draws consumer attention
- also in this case because we had gathered information from store managers that energy drinks sell better when on promotion we ensured this POS was showcasing a promotion.
This maximizes the brand's opportunity now not only in marketing and getting the brand name out through the POS distribution. But also in brand acquisition by understanding the market for this product. Now by having promotional priced POS we are also gaining sales acquisitions for the brand through the direct distribution of POS materials in the c-store space.
POS Example Photo and Why Merchandising Matters
In this above photo the #posexample would be the buy 2 get $1 off can tags
Now there is appeal and excitement around this brand that before was displaying dented backwards cans on the c-store shelf. This #merchandisingexample is a perfect example of why #merchandisingmatters
4. Additional / Secondary Placements / Placement Upgrades for your Brand
Merchandising is not only about making sure your brand is in a visible location that is appealing to consumers, but also when you have a company like Billionaire Assets doing your #brandmerchandising you can rest assure that your brand's product will also get additional rack placement, secondary placements if available and upgrading all placements for your brand. When merchandising it is important to ensure consistency. By doing upgrades for brand placement when the design changes you are bringing a newly designed innovative product to the table. By having proper merchandising this newly designed product is placed in target locations that are well merchandised / have been taken over as a secondary selling point for your brand. This creates a secondary selling location in the same c-store for your product. Secondary locations are great for brands looking to capitalize on impulse buys from consumers.
#Whatisasecondaryplacement ? Secondary placements are secondary locations within the c-store where product is sold.
An example of a #secondaryplacement would be a soda that is sold in the c-store in the main drink coolers. And the same soda is also sold in another smaller cooler by the register of the c-store. This soda by the register would be considered to be in a secondary placement.
Also the merchandising of these secondary placements if product is already in them is also crucial. These secondary placements are typically paid for space. What is paid for space? Paid for space is the space in the c-store where brands pay to ensure their products are placed there. These are usually high consumer traffic areas and impulse buy locations near the register etc. However if it not paid for space, secondary placements are a great way to gain more brand awareness. However if these look messy and unorganized a secondary placement is going to have less effect on your consumers.
The Billionaire Asset Difference: We have already leveraged relationships with many c-store managers both locally owned and c-store corporate chains and franchises, our experience and existing relationships with these decision makers will help your brand by-pass the initial headaches of #brandmerchandisinginthecstorespace
#brandmerchandising #brandawareness #buildyourbrand #marketingtechniques #marketingtools #merchandising #brandmerchandising #whymerchandisingmatters
#whatispos #examplesofpos #eventblog #marketingblog #whatisthestrikezone #stikezone #impulsebuying #whatisimpulsebuying #brandmarketing #brandmarketingblog #marketinginformation #marketingmaterials #whymarketingmaterialsareimportant #importanceofmerchandising #instoremerchandising #merchandisingtipsandtricks #merchandising #branding #pos #brandpos #brandpositioning #spaceplanning #planograms #impulsebuy #learnaboutmarketing #learnaboutmerchandising